AVANTIS projeject “Sustainable, decarbonised co-extraction of vanadium and titanium minerals from Europe’s low-grade vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite deposits”.

14.8.2023 Kari.moisio@oulu.fi /

AVANTIS was submitted in the (competitive) call ”Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction – HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-02)”.

AVANTIS is coordinated by SIM2 KU Leuven (Peter Tom Jones & Olivier Namur) and involves renowned PI’s from University of Oulu, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Technical University of Crete, AGH and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Key industrial players in the field of responsible mining (Titania, Proxis, IMA Engineering, Otanmäki Mine, Strategic Resources, Australian Titanium (Neometals Ltd) drive the industrial relevance of AVANTIS’ R&I. Pending the successful completion of the Grant Agreement Process, the project is set to start in November 2023 (target date).

List of PI’s: Peter Tom Jones, Olivier Namur, Saija Luukkanen, Tegist Chernet, Jukka Konnunaho, Kurt Aasly, Kostas Komnitsas, Adam Piestrzynski, José Angel Sanchidrián, Marcin Loska, Jakub Ryznar, Knut Petter Netland, Ilpo Auranen, Jouko Jylanki, Jukka Pitkäjärvi, David Robinson

AVANTIS: new Horizon Europe project on the extraction of the critical metals vanadium and titanium from Europe's complex, low-grade titanomagnetite deposits

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